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Hi, I'm Alekz

Creative Designer

profile pic
You know all those amazing ideas you have? Let's bring them to life.



VS Code Extension

A simple light pastel theme extension with syntax highlighting for Visual Studio Code. Dark mode options coming soon.

preview of attica color theme for visual studio code Everyone should learn to program, because it teaches you to think.


Terminal-themed links page

A different take on the typical links page for a social media bio. Basing the design on a ubiquitous software application (the terminal) communicates the type of content the user can expect when interacting with the links. I also added a "skip" button to the bottom right so that repeat visitors do not need to wait for the animation to play before accessing the links.

preview of terminal-themed links page If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.


Digital Illustration

I love designing & creating illustrations by hand. Incorporating hand-drawn elements into your designs adds warmth & makes your site stand out against a sea of generic templates.

abstract digital painting made with pastel shapes, waves & swirls A beautiful project that doesn’t work very well is ugly.

Creative Coding

Code Snippet

This is a typewriter effect made sans JavaScript. Just 100% pure CSS goodness. CodePen is my favourite place to quickly test out new or exciting coding concepts. Check out some of my other work below.

animated typing effect made with pure CSS The art of debugging is figuring out what you really told your program to do rather than what you thought you told it to do.
html | css | javascript | node | wordpress | figma | photoshop | jekyll | gatsby | git | command line | docker | linux | aws